Site Update, October 2022

Site update for the month of October 2022

Site Update, October 2022
Photo by Caleb Woods / Unsplash

Life is moving forward at warp speed. It feels like months since I posted my previous site update in September. Since my last update, I finished the coursework for one of my Fall classes a full two months early and earned my CompTIA A+ certification. I am now studying for Network+ and received a voucher for the exam via scholarship.

Shortly after my last update, I dug deep into the membership features offered by the Ghost platform. I got user sign-up working and created a completely optional paid membership tier I call the donation tier. Any resulting income contributes to developing this side project further. I currently have nothing exclusive to offer members of the site, free and paid alike, other than the ability to comment on posts. I went back and forth on what platform to use for the commenting system before deciding to settle with Ghost's native comments for now.

I have created a few new pages on the site as well. The Resources page is a collection of links to useful content. I added several InfoSec tools, readings I enjoy, and podcasts I listen to regularly. Misc is a place to collect content that doesn't fit elsewhere. Currently, that's recipes. Cooking is one of those things that scratch the logical itch while also being creative and artistic. I enjoy following, adjusting, combining, and creating recipes. I make it a personal goal to explore recipes from different cultures to broaden my own experiences.