Site Update, September 2022

Site update for the month of September 2022

White and gray bridge near buildings during daytime
West 2nd Street Bridge in Downtown Austin, by Tomek Baginski

My initial focus has been on tuning aesthetics. I reverted the site to Ghost's default Casper theme for starters. As a fan of most things cyberpunk, I've leaned towards saturated neon colors for most elements. I sourced a royalty-free stock image from for the homepage banner. I used to generate a free logo that, after a bit of tuning, I didn't hate. provided most of what I needed for free after handing over an email address (more on that later in this post). One thing they lock behind a paywall is downloading an image of just the icon in my logo. Luckily digging around with Firefox's inspection tool led me to the image URL where I downloaded the icon directly. I edited the icon with GIMP and uploaded it to Ghost as my favicon.

On the technical side, I've figured out how to make Ghost's tagging system work for my uses. It's cool that there's built-in search that queries both the tags system and post titles. One thing I haven't had time to look into is the user signup features. Currently, trying to register as a new user results in an endless loading icon on the signup popup.

With Fall Semester of school in full swing I don't have the spare time to post as frequently as I would like, but I think consistency will trump quantity.